Story Synopsis:
Will Stanton (Ludwig), a seemingly typical teenager, is looking forward to leaving the classroom behind during his Christmas break. What Will doesn't know is that he is anything but ordinary, but rather extraordinary by all standards. Being the seventh son of a seventh son, Will was chosen by forces he cannot understand to be The Seeker, a warrior destined to keep the earthly balance between dark and light. With the help of his ancient brethren, Will struggles to find the six signs that will banish the encroaching darkness. Based on the novel by Susan Cooper. (Stacey Pendry)
DVD Picture:
The anamorphically enhanced 2.31:1 DVD shows bold, vibrant colors, but fleshtones can have a somewhat over-saturated appearance, looking orange and splotchy. Black levels are deep and shadow detail is nicely delineated, but the image can still have a somewhat flat appearance. Fine details can be resolved nicely at times, but there are many scenes where the picture looks somewhat soft. Edges can look overly digitized as well, and compression artifacts can be noticeable. (Danny Richelieu)
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