Special features include up-front previews, commentary from Actor/Director Steve Buscemi, a nine-minute making-of featurette Triple Theo, Take One, interviews with cast and crew (13 minutes), and additional previews.
DVD General Information
Sony Pictures Home Entertainment
(Catalog Number):
(MPAA Rating):
(Rating Reason):
For language including sexual reference and some drug use
Story Synopsis:
When Veteran War Journalist Pierre Peders (Buscemi) is assigned a puff-piece of reporting an
DVD Picture:
The anamorphically enhanced 1.78:1 DVD shows good black levels and shadow delineation, giving the picture a good sense of depth. Fleshtones can look natural, but skin often looks plugged up when indoors. In general, actually, details look soft and smeared, but there are times when the fine details are delivered well. Edge enhancement is not overly distracting, but the imagery can look too digital and pixilated. (Danny Richelieu)
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