Special features include an alternate opening, an alternate ending, the extended Strip Dance scene, three minutes of bloopers, previews, and up-front ads.
DVD General Information
Sony Pictures Home Entertainment
(Catalog Number):
(MPAA Rating):
(Rating Reason):
Grisley violence including torture and disturbing gory images, and for sexualilty nudity and language
Story Synopsis:
One night, regular high-school student Aubrey Fleming (Lohan), unexpectedly disappears. She is found two weeks later, unconscious in the middle of the woods. When found, Aubrey
DVD Picture:
The anamorphically enhanced 2.40:1 DVD has overblown whites and somewhat milky blacks. Details in the shadows are not delivered well, with the darkest portions of the image looking flat. Colors are not balanced very well, especially outdoors when colors look blown out and unnatural. Fleshtones have an orange cast that also looks unnatural. Strangely, some scenes can look fairly good, but they are few and far between. Edge enhancement can be recognized on high-contrast transitions, but it is not overly distracting during normal viewing. (Danny Richelieu)
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