Special features on Disc One of this two-disc DVD set include a series of four animated comics, a DVD-ROM link for additional electronic comics, and up-front previews. Disc Two contains a digital copy of the movie to download to your computer.
Story Synopsis:
When a man-made virus ravages Earth's population, it is up to the last human left in New York City to try and find a cure for the pandemic. Robert Neville (Smith) is a brilliant scientist, but he was unable to stop the terrible virus before it left him the lone survivor in the Big Apple, with only his faithful dog as a companion. Now mutants
DVD Picture:
The 2.38:1, anamorphically enhanced DVD exhibits a very pleasing image, although black levels are not as deep as they could be. While blacks are solid and inky in most scenes, shots in complete darkness have elevated levels that make the image look washed out. This is obviously a decision made by the filmmakers in an attempt to increase visibility in the darker scenes, but it is more distracting than anything. Shadow delineation can also be limited in these scenes, but for much of the presentation details in the shadows are nicely rendered. Colors are bold and vibrant, while still looking natural, and fleshtones are accurate. Contrast is balanced well. Pixelation is rarely noticeable, and edge enhancement is minor enough that it is rarely seen. (Danny Richelieu)
The Dolby
This Disc Contains The Following WSR-Rated Superb Qualities: Subscribe Now!
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