Story Synopsis:
During World War II, thousands of Marines rushed the small island of Iwo Jima, and what ensued was a battle of horrific carnage, death, and destruction. But in the aftermath, an American Flag was raised and photographed, and that image became an inspiration for the American people in a time when inspiration was desperately needed. Flags Of Our Fathers is based on the book by James Bradley with Ron Powers. (Jack Kelley)
DVD Picture:
The desaturated look of the anamorphically enhanced 2.35:1 DVD is reminiscent of other movies set in this time period, making it look much older than it actually is. Black levels are deep, and good shadow delineation reveals many details in the darkness that lesser releases would hide. Minor edge enhancement and pixilation are noticeable, but are not overly distracting. (Danny Richelieu)
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