Story Synopsis:
Following the tragic loss of his mother, the young fawn reunites with The Great Prince (voiced by Patrick Stewart), who must now teach Bambi II (to) understand the ways of the forest. Their adventure together helps them overcome their initially awkward relationship, and allows father and son to discover in each other something neither expected: family. Inspired by the book by Felix Salten. In tribute to the 70th anniversary of Walt Disney
DVD Picture:
The animation is beautifully presented on this anamorphically enhanced 1.78:1 DVD. Colors can be pale and pastel for early morning sunrises, or vivid and vibrant as the forest animals play in the snow. Images are nicely detailed and dimensional. On some occasions, the picture can seem a bit soft. The picture is clean and solid, with no obtrusive pixelization, although some minor edge halos are noticed at times. The movie
With well-recorded dialogue and an aggressive surround mix, the Dolby
This Disc Contains The Following WSR-Rated Superb Qualities: Subscribe Now!
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