Special features include the theatrical trailer, a two-minute-too-long featurette titled "Sizzling Hot Extras," six minutes of behind-the-scenes interviews, two minutes of bloopers and outtakes, and about a minute of footage from the SoHo House Party...must have been some party.
Story Synopsis:
It's homecoming week at West Valley High, and that only means one thing: Doing The Dirty Deeds. And this year the challenge falls on the narrow shoulders of mild-mannered and doing his best Ferris Bueller impression Zach (Ventimiglia), who has just about 12 hours to accomplish these legendary and never-before-been-done deeds. But with a little help from his friends, I'm sure Zach will pull it off. Oh, and after watching this movie, you will never again look at Gatorade the same way. (Jack Kelley)
DVD Picture:
The anamorphically enhanced 1.78:1 DVD picture exhibits a richly saturated color palette, with generally natural fleshtones and deep blacks. While sharpness is adequate, the picture occasionally appears smeared or lacking in fine delineation. Contrast and shadow delineation are nicely rendered. There is some pixelization noticed, but no bothersome edge enhancement. (Suzanne Hodges)
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