Story Synopsis:
Nadine Hightower (Basinger) finds herself in a heap of trouble when she innocently steals an envelope that she believes contains nude pictures of her from the photographer, Raymond Escobar (Stiller). But no sooner is Escobar stabbed and murdered, does Nadine find that her pictures are not in the envelope and the contents are clearly something she is not intended to see. (Suzanne Hodges)
DVD Picture:
The anamorphically enhanced 1.85:1 DVD picture has a slightly dim appearance, with contrast that can seem low at times. Colors are generally well saturated, with nicely balanced fleshtones and blacks that tend to appear a bit weak at times. Though the picture can look a bit soft at times, details are often adequate. There are flecks of dirt and occasional film grain noticed in the source element, contributing a dated characteristic with the picture. Minor pixelization is noticed, but edge enhancement is rarely a problem. (Suzanne Hodges)
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