Story Synopsis:
After returning home from school, Grace's (Woof) father feels that she's more worthy of a man who can take her up in society, not her childhood sweetheart Giles (Sewell). After meeting young Dr. Fitzpiers (MacAninch), the two become better acquainted and then marry, much to her father's delight. However, it isn't long before Grace becomes suspicious of her husband and realizes what a horrible mistake she has made. "The Woodlanders" is based on the book by Thomas Hardy. (Tricia Spears)
DVD Picture:
The anamorphically enhanced 2.35:1 DVD does a good job at delivering this picture, with its rich locations and time period. Colors are surprisingly vivid, with bold green meadows and warm candlelight interiors. Images are generally sharp and detailed, with adequate textures and definition. Some smearing is occasionally noticed. There are some flecks of dirt inherent in the source element. No bothersome edge enhancement is noticed, but there is some pixelization. (Suzanne Hodges)
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