Story Synopsis:
"What's New Pussycat?" is a fun slapstick comedy starring Peter O'Toole as chick-magnet Michael James and the always funny Peter Sellers as his psychiatrist Dr. Fassbender. Hoping to make it to the altar with his fiancee Carole (Schneider), Michael seeks help from the good doctor, who longs to have the same lady troubles as Michael. Woody Allen appears in his acting and screenwriting debuts. (Tricia Spears)
DVD Picture:
The DVD is not anamorphically enhanced and exhibits a dated picture that often looks smeared and undefined. Colors have a bit of a greenish tinge, affecting fleshtones and whites, and blacks can be deep at times, but are mostly undefined. The source element is revealing of a few artifacts and flecks of dirt at times. There is no bothersome edge enhancement, and pixel breakup is minor. (Suzanne Hodges)
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