Story Synopsis:
For 18 years Helen (Elise) has been married to Charles (Harris), now a wealthy attorney. On the night of their anniversay Charles suddenly announces that he wants a divorce and kicks Helen out of the house. With nowhere else to go, Helen goes to see her feisty grandmother Madea (Perry), who tries to make Helen see that she can go on without her husband. As Helen begins to move on with her life, we learn through the "Diary Of A Mad Black Woman" all about Helen's secrets, feelings, and most especially her fears. (Tricia Spears)
DVD Picture:
The anamorphically enhanced 1.78:1 DVD picture often exhibits soft characteristics. While details can be nicely rendered, there is a slight haze noticed throughout. Colors are nicely balanced, with accurate fleshtones and deep blacks. Contrast and shadow delineation are also very nicely rendered. There is some pixel breakup apparent, but little in the way of bothersome edge halos. (Suzanne Hodges)
With its good mix for music, complete with phantom imaging across the front stage for individual instruments, the Dolby
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