Story Synopsis:
"Even Cowgirls Get The Blues," based on the novel by Tom Robbins, is a hip and outrageous modern western from director Gus Van Sant Jr. (Drugstore Cowboy, My Own Private Idaho). The story is about an unusually gifted hitchhiker Sizzy Hankshaw (Thurman) whose travels take her to the Rubber Rose Ranch, a desert spa owned by her transvestite mentor (Hurt) and worked by a posse of rebellious lesbian cowgirls led by Delores Del Ruby (Bracco). A crazed adventure with a sexual twist, the story touches on the bizarre.
DVD Picture:
The anamorphically enhanced 1.85:1 DVD picture is sharp and detailed, with sometimes excellent textures and definition. Sometimes the picture looks so good, that it doesn
Fidelity in the Dolby
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