Story Synopsis:
Starring the original Broadway cast and featuring choreography by Bob Fosse, this is the story of Joe Boyd, a passionate Washington Senators fan who sells his soul to the devil in order to become the greatest baseball player ever and to help his favorite team win the pennant. Forced to leave his wife, Joe sets out for the field. The devil
DVD Picture:
The anamoprhically enhanced 1.78:1 DVD picture has a bit of a dated appearance, especially with regard to inherent source element anomalies. Film grain is apparent throughout and occasional flecks of dirt pop up from time to time. There are some inconsistencies in saturation, but overall the picture is pleasantly bright and colorful. Fleshtones can appear overly orange at times, but other times are nicely balanced Sharpness varies slightly from scene to scene, sometimes appearing very nicely detailed, and other times seeming somewhat smeared. Edge enhancement is not a problem with this title, but there is some pixel breakup. (Suzanne Hodges)
There is not much to say about this Dolby
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