Story Synopsis:
Evie Decker (Taylor) is a shy, mousey young woman who lives with her father and works as a rabbit at a kiddie park. When she discovers the music of Drumstrings Casey (Pearce), she falls head over heels for the sultry singer and takes every opportunity to get close to him. Determined to gain his attention, Evie takes drastic measures and does something completely out of character to snag the love of her life. But when Casey discovers that he needs Evie more than she needs him, life takes a different turn for the rock star and his groupie. A Slipping-Down Life is based on the novel by Anne Tyler. (Tricia Littrell)
DVD Picture:
The anamorphically enhanced 1.78:1 DVD picture exhibits satisfying sharpness with nicely rendered details and textures. The color scheme is also well balanced, with accurate fleshtones and deep blacks. The source element is revealing of some film grain and minor artifacts, but overall the picture is quite clean. Pixel breakup and occasional smearing is detected, but edge enhancement is not a problem. (Suzanne Hodges)
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