Story Synopsis:
Young Ben Crandall (Hawke) shares his dreams of someday traveling in outer space with his computer nerd pal Wolfgang (Phoenix), who begins working on a space program. Joining forces, the friends build their own spaceship, which they name Thunder Road. Much to their delight, the thing really flies. Determined to travel through the galaxy, the boys become space Explorers, but what they discover is a world a lot like the one they watch on TV at home. Includes two additional scenes. This is the 106-minute version modified for television broadcast and home video distribution. (Tricia Littrell)
DVD Picture:
The anamorphically enhanced 1.78:1 DVD picture exhibits a dated appearance inherent in the source element, provided mostly by film grain and a few flecks of dirt or other artifacts. Still, the color scheme is nicely saturated, with accurate fleshtones, many rich hues, and generally deep blacks. Sharpness is adequate, with occasional softly focused scenes incorporated into the picture. Compression is quite good, with little pixel breakup noticed. Edge enhancement is also not a problem with this title. Fans of this
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