Includes a 17-minute featurette titled The Stepford Life, which features new cast and crew interviews, the trailer, two radio spots, and a biography of director Bryan Forbes.
Story Synopsis:
Based on the novel by Ira Levin, The Stepford Wives offers a chilling tale of a picture perfect New England town where every other car is a station wagon and the women who drive them are dedicated to their housework
DVD Picture:
Compared to the previously released, non-anamorphic DVD reviewed in Issue 33, which exhibited horrible color fidelity and details, this new anamorphically enhanced 1.78:1 DVD is an improvement. The source element is revealing of more film grain than the previous edition, but the color scheme and definition is more balanced. The picture can also be described as sharp and, at times, nicely detailed. Though the picture does look dated at times, there is little in the way of distracting pixelization or edge enhancement. This DVD is finally the home video release that The Stepford Wives (the movie, not the women) has been waiting for! (Suzanne Hodges)
The Dolby
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