Story Synopsis:
In the year 356 B.C. in the troubled nation of Greece lived a young man whose ambitions knew no bounds. "Alexander The Great" (Burton) made it his quest to conquer the world. Traveling from Greece through Asia and then onto India, the conqueror of conquerors achieved what no other man before him had, even outdoing the Gods to become master of two worlds. (Tricia Littrell)
DVD Picture:
The anamoprhically enhanced 2.35:1 DVD picture looks dated, though the color scheme can, at times, appear richly saturated. While sharpness is adequate, details are often seriously lacking. Minor fluctuations in the color scheme are noticed, as saturation appears inconsistent within the same scenes. Plenty of source element artifacts and grain are noticed, contributing to the dated appearance of the picture. In addition, pixelization is sometimes a problem. (Suzanne Hodges)
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