Disc One of this two disc set includes the original CinemaScope 2.55:1 edition with audio commentary by Stanley Donen and trailers. Disc Two offers an alternate widescreen edition, framed at 1.77:1, a 42-minute behind-the-scenes documentary Sobbin
DVD Picture:
Compared to the previously released, non-anamorphic DVD (Issue 34), this new anamorphically enhanced 2.55:1 DVD looks much better, with improved definition and color balance. The picture is certainly dated, with anomalies noticed in the source element throughout. Film grain, scratches, fluctuations in color saturation, and flecks of dirt are detected, but nothing that should be considered excessive. Minor pixel breakup is noticed, but no bothersome edge enhancement. (Suzanne Hodges)
Unnatural sounding vocals and slightly dated fidelity define this remastered Dolby
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