Story Synopsis:
Two friends (Damon and Affleck) -- both named Gerry -- set out on a wilderness trail in the desert but lose their way back to their car after not being able to find what they were looking for. Their surroundings are unforgiving. They are without food, water, or direction. This thought-provoking story tests their survival skills and probes how the viewer would react in the same dire circumstances. Director Gus Van Sant ("My Own Private Idaho," "To Die For") left the sparse dialogue up to his two-person cast. (Suzanne Hodges)
DVD Picture:
The anamorphically enhanced 2.35:1-framed DVD picture exhibits imagery that is quite natural and perfectly appropriate and complementary to the storytelling. Images are sharp and detailed with natural contrast and shadow delineation. The night scenes are dark, presented under the natural light of a fire or the moon. Of course these scenes are very dark and isolating; how else would it look at night in the desert? The biggest distraction to the picture is the presence of edge enhancement. The halos provide a
The Dolby
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