You get plenty of bonus features for the green you will shell out for this DVD. Disc One of this two-disc set will make you red when you are forced to sit through a couple of ads before the menu. Supplements include feature commentary with director Ang Lee, a Hulk Cam behind-the-scenes interactive option during the movie, an interactive anatomy of the Hulk feature, six minutes worth of deleted scenes, cast and filmmaker bios, and a Sunny D commercial. Disc Two includes a
DVD General Information
Universal Studios Home Video
(Catalog Number):
(MPAA Rating):
(Rating Reason):
Sci-Fi action violence, some disturbing images and brief partial nudity
Special Notes:
Also available in a 1.33:1 (4:3) fullscreen edition.
Story Synopsis:
Scientist Bruce Banner (Bana) has anger management issues which have all but alienated his ex-girlfriend and equally brilliant fellow researcher, Betty Ross (Connelly). A simple oversight in the lab leads to an explosive situation and Bruce makes a split-second decision. His heroic impulse saves a life and leaves him apparently unscathed, but his body absorbs a normally deadly dose of gamma radiation. Meanwhile, a rampaging, impossibly strong being known as the Hulk cuts a swath of destruction, leaving Banner's lab in shambles and his house with blown-out walls. The military mobilizes to fight the green brute, led by Betty's father, General
DVD Picture:
The 1.85:1 DVD picture is anamorphically enhanced and exhibits an excellent picture, with sharp and detailed images and nice openness and clarity. Colors are fully saturated, with rich hues, natural fleshtones (well, Hulk looks a little like broccoli), and deep, solid blacks. Contrast and shadow delineation are also well balanced. Occasionally, the picture looks a little bit
The Dolby
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