Includes this hilarious computer animated short film "Early Bloomer" (created and directed by Kevin Johnson), four featurettes (the three-minute Good Morning, Eddie Murphy; the six-minute Meet The Kids Of Daddy Day Care; the six-minute Quiet On The Set!!; and the three-minute What Did That Kid Say?), three games (Name The Noise Maker, Kid Card Match Up, and Odd One Out), the same blooper reel that plays at the end credits (with the credits rolling), and the theatrical and bonus trailers.
Story Synopsis:
Charlie Hinton (Murphy) and his buddy Phil (Garlin) are two fathers who have just joined the ranks of the unemployed. Forced to take their sons out of the stuffy Chapman Academy pre-school, they become stay-at-home fathers. With no job possibilities on the horizon, the two dads decide to open their own day care facility, Daddy Day Care, which boasts some fairly unconventional and sidesplitting methods of tending the kids. As Daddy Day Care starts to catch on, it launches them into a hilarious competition with Chapman Academy
DVD Picture:
The anamorphically enhanced 1.85:1 DVD exhibits a pretty colorful picture that is nicely saturated with accurate fleshtones, rich hues, and deep blacks. Images are generally sharp and detailed, though some scenes can appear somewhat smeared with a loss of finer details. The source element is revealing of a few artifacts and film grain. Unfortunately, the picture has a
The Dolby
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