Story Synopsis:
"The Good Thief" tells the story of wisecracking American thief Bob Mantagnet (Nolte), whose luck seems to have finally run out while living amongst gamblers and drug addicts in Nice, France. After rescuing an young girl (Kukhianidze) from her pimp, Mantagnet jumps at one last job...stealing some priceless paintings from a Monte Carlo casino. With the cops closing in, can Mantagnet make a clean sweep and retire on his earnings? (Suzanne Hodges)
DVD Picture:
The anamorphically enhanced 1.85:1 DVD exhibits a picture drenched in warm golden overtones or cold blues. At times, fleshtones can appear a bit orange but otherwise hues are nicely balanced and fully saturated with deep blacks. Images are generally sharp and detailed, though some minor smearing is evident. At times, the picture can appear a bit
The Dolby
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