Story Synopsis:
In "Me Without You," Marina (Friel) and Holly (Williams) have pledged to be life-long friends, and they spend their childhood seldom apart. Marina, raised by her outrageous, valium addicted mother (Styler), grew to be a wild child while Holly was more the timid bookworm type. When Marina discovers Holly
DVD Picture:
The anamorphically enhanced DVD is letterboxed at 1.85:1, cropped from 2.39:1 (Columbia: What were you thinking!?), and has a certain soft character, though details can, at times, appear nicely rendered. The color scheme is slightly understated, with a subtle greenish tinge apparent. Fleshtones can be naturally rendered, and blacks are deep, but undefined. A few flecks of dirt are noticed in the source element, and film grain adds a gritty texture to the picture at times. Minor shimmering and pixelization can be an occasional distraction, but edge enhancement is rarely a problem with this DVD. (Suzanne Hodges)
The Dolby
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