Story Synopsis:
This explosive sequel to the original sci-fi thriller has been re-issued (again) on DVD, this time as an Extreme Edition. Terminator 2: Judgment Day, presented here in the 153-minute expanded version, finds that the Terminator (Schwarzenegger) has a mission to protect rather than destroy.
DVD Picture:
Without going so far as to say that this new anamorphically enhanced Extreme Edition DVD is perfect, it is important to point out that one of the most annoying distractions on the previously released Ultimate Edition DVD - edge enhancement - has been significantly decreased with this new transfer. Details show very subtle improvements in sharpness and fine delineation upon close A/B comparisons for a slightly smoother overall appearance. The color palette appears to be virtually the same, and is stylized with cold blue hues throughout the dark scenes, and visual information reaches into the deepest blacks. Unfortunately, signs of digital video noise reduction are still present, and can cause the loss of finer details and at times an occasional
The Dolby
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