Story Synopsis:
Based on the novel by Koji Suzuki (and remade in 2002), "Ringu" brings urban legend to terrifying life. As the story goes, a nightmarish, abstract video tells its viewers (mostly teenagers) that they are going to die within a week and, later, a ringing phone verifies the terror. In hopes of unearthing the truth behind the bizarre deaths, an investigator watches the tape...and signs start to point to the idea that she
DVD Picture:
The anamorphically enhanced 1.85:1 DVD exhibits a dark picture that complements the eerie storytelling with slightly low contrast and cold hues. Colors can be nicely saturated, with natural balance and accurate fleshtones, though blacks lack true depth at times. Otherwise, the picture has a desaturated, gray appearance. Images are generally sharp and detailed, though some scenes are wanting in finer definition. There are a few occasions when edge enhancement can be noticed, and there is some minor pixelization. Some film grain is inherent in the source element. (Suzanne Hodges)
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