Special features include three audio commentary tracks: one with director Bill Paxton, a production commentary (with Arnold Glassman, David Kirschner, and Brian Tyler), and a third track with writer Brent Hanley. There is also a 19-minute making-of featurette, a 26-minute Sundance Channel Anatomy Of A Scene, a photo gallery, deleted scenes with optional commentary, and three storyboard galleries.
Story Synopsis:
"Frailty" chillingly examines the conflicts of a child whose father has apparently slipped into madness.
DVD Picture:
The anamorphically enhanced 1.78:1 DVD exhibits a picture that is often dark, but viewing in a completely blackened room will nicely reveal how well shadow delineation is rendered. Images exhibit pleasing detail; but the overall nostalgic look is achieved with soft and slightly smeared filtered images. Colors are nicely balanced with accurate fleshtones and deep blacks. There is some edge enhancement noticed in the brighter scenes, and some pixelization as well. (Suzanne Hodges)
The Dolby Digital 5.1-channel soundtrack delivers with rather good fidelity, along with a music score that offers a distinctly deep low-end presence. The music is also significant in terms of its spatiality, sometimes even a little too much so in the surrounds. Much of the audio is centered around the dialogue, but the atmospheric effects and the music add amply to the sense of spaciousness and envelopment through subtle to moderate use of the spatial soundstage. During heightened moments, such as in Chapter 11, the soundstage abruptly and fully energizes with aggressive .1 LFE. Some distinct split surround activity can also be noticed. (Perry Sun)
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