Story Synopsis:
In 1982, Clint Eastwood produced, directed, and starred in the high-tech thriller "Firefox." The title is the code name of a mythical Russian MIG-31 fighter which flies at six times the speed of sound, is invisible to radar, and fires missiles guided by the thoughts of the pilot! Eastwood plays a U.S. pilot who is smuggled into the USSR to steal the plane. Based on the novel by Craig Thomas. (Gary Reber)
DVD Picture:
The anamorphically enhanced 2.35:1 DVD exhibits a picture that can be bright and nicely contrasted. The color scheme often appears rich and fully saturated, with accurate fleshtones and deep blacks. However, fleshtones can appear slightly brownish at times. Images can be sharp and detailed, but visual information is limited in the darker scenes. There are times when the picture has a dated, hazy appearance. Edge enhancement and pixelization are rarely a problem. The source element appears quite clean, with few artifacts (except during the opticals). (Suzanne Hodges)
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