March 10, 2009
HD621 Audio Processor Improves Quality, Integration

By Gary Reber

Meridian is pleased to announce the launch of the HD621 HDMI™ Audio Processor, available from Meridian retailers following its recent acclaim at international industry shows. The HD621, with its built-in switch and audio enhancement, allows immediate integration of up to six HDMI-equipped audio/video sources into a Meridian system, delivering substantial improvements in audio quality from all HDMI sources.

A great many audio/video components – such as Blu-ray Disc® players, satellite and TV receivers and game consoles – provide both audio and video down the same HDMI (High Definition Multimedia Interface) cable. This does not deliver the best sound quality, however. In addition, when digital video is brought into audio components it introduces artefacts which degrade audio quality.

The HD621 solves these problems, separating the video and audio elements, delivering an enhanced-quality audio signal, free of video pollution, to a Meridian system. The audio is enhanced by de-jittering with a FIFO buffering system, resolution enhancement and may be upsampled using Meridian's unique apodising filter. The video component, meanwhile, is fed to the display, while the built-in
6-way HDMI switch removes any need for display input switching.

The HD621 allows HDMI sources to be integrated simply and quickly into a Meridian environment, at the same time providing the highest possible sound quality from any HDMI source.

The unit is available in both free-standing and rack-mount versions.

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